Nikki Glacer is an American stand-up comedian, actress, and television host who recently hosted the Golden Globes 2025.

1. Effed up (Slang/ Phrasal verb)

  • Definition: A censored way of saying “f***ed up,” meaning drunk, high, or in a bad situation.
  • Example: “I can’t believe I drank that much last night—I was totally effed up.”
(Scottish Male)

2. Close out (the evening) (Phrasal verb)

  • Definition: To finish or wrap up an event, typically a night out.
  • Example: “We closed out the evening with one last round of drinks.”

3. Next thing you know (Phrase)

  • Definition: A phrase used to describe how events escalate quickly and unexpectedly.
  • Example: “I started watching one episode, and the next thing you know, it was 3 AM.”

4. Black out (Phrasal verb)

  • Definition: To lose memory due to excessive drinking.
  • Example: “I don’t even remember getting home—I completely blacked out.”

5. On my way out (Phrase)

  • Definition: A phrase that can mean either physically leaving or metaphorically approaching death.
  • Example: “I was so sick I felt like I was on my way out.”

6. Go off the deep end (Phrase)

  • Definition: To lose control, act irrationally, or relapse into bad habits.
  • Example: “He started gambling again and completely went off the deep end.”

7. Social lubricant (Noun)

  • Definition: Something, often alcohol, that makes socialising easier.
  • Example: “For some people, alcohol acts as a social lubricant at parties.”

8. Liquid courage (Noun/ Slang)

  • Definition: The confidence people feel after drinking alcohol, making them more outgoing or reckless.
  • Example: “He wouldn’t have asked her out sober—it was definitely the liquid courage talking.”

"I can't... I mean, I don't drink, and this is ______ to me that I would have a beer."
say what meme • Foodie Loves Fitness

"No one would drink alcohol if it didn't get you _____."
That time I got drunk at the office Christmas party

WTF happened last night? | Weekend Ecard

"You get ____ a little bit."

5) Which phrasal verb does Nikki use which means "to persuade or convince them not to do something"?

"His method is... and this thing he does with drinking... any excuse you have to do that thing, he ___ you ___ of it."
I wouldn't do that if I were you - Sarcastic Nicholas Cage Meme Generator

6) Which option is the correct spelling of the adjective that means "too difficult or impossible to overcome"?

"It's like... it's not ________."
Insurmountable - Mammoth Memory definition - remember meaning

"I am f*cking ____ ___!"

3 Ways To Resist Temptation – Todays Godly Wisdom

"And I've been _____, and I don't think that I would go off the deep end again, but..."

"Yeah, when you're drunk, you're a f*cking ____ when you're drunk. "
12 Common Toaster Mistakes You May Be Making

“You want some fake beer?

It’s so..

It’s zero..

I can’t… I mean, I don’t drink, and this is absurd to me that I would have a beer.

It’s a fake beer.

But I don’t miss the taste of alcohol.


Who misses that? No one would drink alcohol if it didn’t get you effed up.

I would drink these. They taste good.


Yeah, I love it.

This tastes like the St. Louis Funny Bone, which is a great taste. It does taste like the St. Louis Funny Bone, 2009, living in my best life…

When was the last time you drank?

2011, December 9th, Cleveland Hilarities after the show.

You were like “I’m done”.

I… well, I just had a couple beers to close out the evening. I was by myself, just gonna go…

Next thing you know, you’re shooting heroin?

I don’t know what happened. I… well, I was at a point in my life where it was like, ‘This has got to stop,’ because my hangovers were getting so ridiculous and debilitating for a whole day. And I was just doing… you know, I would black out from like two drinks because my mind… John Mulaney has a great joke about it where he says he would black out very quickly after a couple drinks ’cause his mind was like, ‘We know where this is going. Shutting down early.’ Like, if you know it’s gonna be… you’re gonna black out, your brain just blacks out earlier.


‘Cause every time I drink, I would black out. So I just… I woke up that morning, and I had only had a… it wasn’t a hard night of drinking, a couple beers, but I was just the sickest I’ve ever been. And the thing about hangovers that I really had to look at was like… the best part about being sick, if you’re gonna find the best part about being sick, it’s that people feel sorry for you. You get babied a little bit. You get nurturing from your friends and family that you don’t get when you’re healthy. But when you’re hungover, no one gives you that. So you’re sick, and you don’t even get the only good thing about being sick, which is people feeling sorry for you. Everyone’s like, ‘You piece of [ __ ], you did this to yourself.’ So I was like, in the shower, Anna, in the fetal position, thinking, ‘This is how I should feel if I’m dying.’ Like, I really don’t want to feel this bad unless I am on my way out. So I’m not doing this anymore. And I read a book, and when I was done…

What was the book?

‘Easy Way to Stop Drinking’ by Allen Carr.

What’s the easy way?

Easy way is you read this book, and then you’re done at the end of it. And what he does… well, I’d used his method to stop smoking. ‘The Easy Way to Stop Smoking’ by Allen Carr. So many people have read it. It’s the one book that when you’ve tried everything else, nothing else works. This book… my mom quit smoking after 35-plus years.


So many of my friends… I heard about it. I think like Ellen DeGeneres and Ashton Kutcher, I heard a bunch of celebrities kind of talking about it. I read the book, and you can smoke while you read it. And then by the end of the book, he just promises you. He goes, ‘Go have a cigarette,’ and you’re just like, ‘No, I don’t want to. I don’t need to.’ His method is… and this thing he does with drinking… any excuse you have to do that thing, he talks you out of it. He tells you a reason why your excuse is actually [ __ ], and there’s no science behind it. And he disproves any reason that you have to do it. And we’ve been brainwashed by tobacco and alcohol industries to believe that quitting is really hard. And quitting alcohol is hard if you have an addiction. You can like die from it, obviously. But with tobacco, it’s part of their propaganda to tell you that it’s hard to quit smoking. They are the ones pushing that message, which seems like… why would they tell people it’s hard? But they’re doing that because if it’s hard, you won’t quit. So that has been their message to be like, ‘It’s so hard to quit smoking. It’s so hard.’ When really, it’s not. You know, the withdrawal symptoms of not smoking lasts up to two weeks. I think it’s less than… I think it’s like seven to 11 days. And the discomfort caused by wanting a cigarette is the same discomfort as being a little bit hungry. You’re a little bit annoying. It’s like… it’s not insurmountable. It’s uncomfortable, but it passes after seven to eleven days, I think it is. And then it’s all… even when you’re going through it, it’s not that bad. But it’s the psychological effect of thinking it’s hard that makes it then hard.


So once he proves to you it’s not that hard, and any excuse you have to smoke, which is like, ‘It calms me down.’ It raises your blood pressure, so that’s inaccurate. Um, ‘It makes me more social.’ Actually, it isolates you. You know, if you really look at it, every time you smoke, you feel kind of bad. People think you stink. Like, it just… every excuse you have. And then he did it with drinking too. I went through this book. I read it. You can drink while you read the book. You have to wanna quit to pick up the book. You have to want to be like, ‘I want this out of my life. I don’t know how to get it out of my life.’ And I gave this book to so many of my friends, and my friends don’t drink anymore. And a lot of them, you know, use programs or other things to supplement, but all I needed was this book, and I was done. And I’ll tell you, I drank every single night of my life, and I never thought I could live without it. It was just… I was just like anyone listening that’s like, ‘No, no, no, you don’t understand. All my friends drink. It’s my life. It’s my social life. It’s my work life.’ It was everything to me. It’s all I look forward to. Yeah, I’ll never go like this when my friend enters a bar again. Like, I’ll never do that. I will never greet a friend with, ‘She’s here! Yes, yes, yes!’

Was that you?

That was me. That was like… that’s something I miss. I’ll never have that kind of ‘to drink’ enthusiasm anymore. But because I don’t drink, I am [ __ ] killing it. My life changed. I can trace my career before and after like on the dot. Hmm. So, you know, it’s not for everyone. If you have a problem, you should maybe look into it. But that book seriously changed my life.

That sounds amazing. And there was no like difficulty in quitting?

None. No, really, was easy. I never… maybe a couple times I felt like, ‘Hah, it’d be nice to have a drink.’ You know, I was dating a guy that like just wanted to have a glass of wine with me, and I’m like, ‘Well, I can’t. I just have a glass of wine.’ And I’ve been tempted, and I don’t think that I would go off the deep end again, but… but I don’t. I just… I go back to that book, and I’m just like, ‘I just… any reason I can give myself, it’s just really… it isn’t true.’ And I’m better without it.

Well, it’s definitely not true if you’re drinking it every night and you’re blacking out.


But if you just have a cup… glass of wine with dinner, it feels nice. Oh, I know.

It’s a social lubricant. You have fun with friends, start laughing and joking around. But you don’t have that ability to stop there. Is that it…?

I could for a few months, and then it would trickle into… it’s just exactly the voice. You at every… people are listening, and I know you relate to this of… you go, ‘I’m just gonna have two tonight.’ But then that person… and you go, ‘Promise yourself you’re just gonna have two.’ But then you get that voice drunk, and that voice is like, ‘Have another. Come on, you can’t talk to yours.’ You can’t plan for how you’re gonna feel two drinks in because you get drunk, and then you… it just keeps going. You miss it, man.

I have a bit about that about drunk driving. The problem’s not whether or not you can drive drunk. The problem is even thinking you can drive drunk because when you’re drunk, you don’t know what the [ __ ] you can do or can’t do.


I think that’s why guys get in fights with people way bigger than them when they’re drunk, and they don’t even know how to fight.

You’re… you’re stupider.

Yeah, when you’re drunk, you’re a [ __ ] moron when you’re drunk. So the idea that you could drive drunk like, ‘I’m fine.’ Like, you don’t even know if you’re fine. That’s the problem. Yes. The problem is you’re drunk.

And that’s a big part of the book is talking to people about this liquid courage that everyone cites. I mean, ‘I need a drink because I can’t go onstage if I don’t have a drink. I need a drink to talk to the girl.’ And it’s not courage. What you’re doing is you’re making yourself more stupid.”

  1. Does anything from this discussion about addiction resonate with you?
  2. Why do you think some people get more addicted to certain things than others?
  3. Have you heard of any effective ways people you know have got rid of their addition?
  4. What kinds of things would you tell young people to not get addicted to in particular?
  5. Which is better? Moderation or ‘Going Teetotal’/ abstinence?


  1. Do you have a favourite drink?
  2. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  3. Are there any traditional drinks in your country? Can you describe one?
  4. Do you like trying new drinks when you travel to different countries?
  5. Do you prefer sweet drinks or less sweet ones? Why?
  6. What kind of drinks do you usually have with meals?
  7. Do you prefer hot or cold drinks? Why?

  1. Do you like reading books? Why or why not?
  2. What type of books do you enjoy reading most?
  3. How often do you read books?
  4. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Why?
  5. What was the last book you read? Can you tell me a bit about it?
  6. Do you read books in your native language or do you also read in English?
  7. Have you ever bought a book because of its cover? What happened?
  8. Where do you usually read books?
  9. Do you prefer physical books or e-books? Why?
  10. Has your reading habit changed since you were a child? How?


1. Describe a traditional drink from your country that you think everyone should try.

  • You should say:
    • What the drink is made from
    • How it is prepared
    • On what occasions it is commonly consumed
  • And explain why you think everyone should try this drink.

2. Describe a drink that you really enjoy.

  • You should say:
    • What the drink is
    • When you first tried it
    • How often you drink it
  • And explain why you enjoy this drink so much.

  1. Talk about a book you could not finish reading.
    • You should say:
      • What the book was
      • How far you got in the book
      • Why you decided to stop reading it
    • And explain how you felt about not finishing the book.
  2. Describe a book from your childhood that you still remember.
    You should say:
    -What the book was called
    -What the story was about
    -How old you were when you read it
    And explain why this book has stayed with you over the years.


  1. What are the health benefits and risks associated with different types of drinks?
  2. How do you think drinking habits vary across different cultures around the world?
  3. Should there be stricter regulations on the advertising of certain drinks, like those high in sugar or alcohol? Why or why not?
  4. How has the availability of different types of drinks changed over the last few decades?
  5. What role do you think drinks play in social interactions in your country?


  1. How has the way people consume books changed with the advent of technology?
  2. What impact do you think reading has on a person’s development and education?
  3. Do you think physical books will eventually be replaced by digital formats? Why or why not?
  4. How can reading habits influence a society’s culture or values?
  5. What measures should governments or schools take to encourage reading among young people?


1. “More and more people today are drinking sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons for this? What are the solutions?”

2. “Some countries have legal ages at which people can drink. Other countries believe not have strict laws is a better policy. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.”


3. “In the past, knowledge was contained in books. Nowadays, knowledge is uploaded to the internet. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?”

4. “Schools should use films, computers and games instead of books. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

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