1) In the first 5 seconds, David Brent (the manager) says “You’ve met this lot?”. What does he mean?

“Ok, um, _____ her __. Get her started.. show her the phones..”

3) What does Gareth want Tim to do?

6) David's boss tells him that he's in trouble.

“You’re on very thin as it is.”

7) David's boss says that he doesn't have the guts to do his own job. What does 'to have guts' mean?

9) When asked about whether the email was offensive or not, David said "let's not dwell on whether it is or isn't". What is the best antonym of 'dwell on'?

David: That is.. you won’t need to use that.. you’ve met this lot um.. Gareth you saw.. in the meeting formal introductions.. um hi Gareth.. welcome. Just a handshake.. that’s fine. And Ricky.. Hi, nice to meet you.. even longer even.. Tim hello good.. okay um settle her in.. get her started.. show her the phones and everything, but first, me think the lady does need a chair. Sit down on a chair..

Gareth: Maybe she should sit down here, then I could teach her the ropes… that’s my responsibility as team leader. David?

David: I’m just saying, maybe when people say “oh would you rather be thought of as a funny man or a great Boss”, My answer’s always the same.. to me they’re not mutually exclusive. there’s there’s a weight of intellect behind my comedy, yeah… If you were to ask me to name three Geniuses, I probably wouldn’t say um Einstein.. Newton.. you know.. I’d go Milligan, Clease, Everett.. sessions.

Tim: Gareth, have you got a license to carry that?!

Gareth: Portable phone right.. Can you swap places with Donna please?

Tim: No, I’m not moving.

Gareth: Do as you’re told.

Tim: Why? What are you going to do? -Phone me?

Gareth: I am team leader.

Tim: I don’t give a f*ck.

Gareth: You’re so immature.

Tim: Okay, if there’s one thing that I am not, it is immature.

Gareth: Immature little tosser.

Gareth Keenan?

Tim: Cock!

Gareth: So David, um I was just saying to Tim.. okay it gun holster just my portable telephone I was just saying to Tim maybe I just sorry I just talk to it and know what just thinking did I make five or six cars the question is.. do you feel lucky punk? we do you this spot let’s let go with okay we’re all uh online here hooked up to the worldwide web internet no shopping oh all right um everyone’s got uh email have you used email before yeah it’s easy in it um just I just show on oh oh you got a new one all you do there see what it says new mail just go that just click on that Ah that’s yeah it’s not funny because Donna should not have to see me as a woman with two men doing that all over me got boobs no it’s just not it’s just my head they just put it on there too who else has seen this filth you know I’m talking about who else seen this filth you haven’t even got email Joan someone printed it out for me who printed this out for Joan well I’m angry and not because I’m in it but because it degrades women which I hate and the culprit whoever he is is in this room or she it could be a woman women are as filthy as men naming no names I don’t know any but women are dirty David this is a meeting yeah yeah okay that’s all anything else uh oh teffy phone from the warehouse he’s got another funny video for you thanks okay this is just one big boys club isn’t it not really seedy little men with seedy little jokes this morning perfect example I do not want to be put in that position again don’t down the warehouse that’s all David don’t tell me where I can and can’t go in my own company you’re on very thin ice as it is you’ve already lied to me today what’s that you lied to me because you don’t have the guts to do your own job and have the guts if you’re not man enough to do your job I will do it for you not mad enough okay come here busy at work is there a problem yeah that so what’s that what that I don’t know a dirty picture with my head on it as a sex object and don’t you know I like a laugh Tim I’m just porno laughs are not funny okay I’m disappointed you think I did this case closed oh I should I say that is it was my investigation and what annoys me is you obviously didn’t do it in your own time who well well Columbo here figured it out did it well yeah sh sorry yeah I must be guilty if you got your best man on the case yeah stop trying to be funny for one second Tim okay and listen Okay and stop taking advantage of my good nature cuz I could be like every other boss in this situation okay right you’re taking the piss and I’m getting sick of it David it wasn’t me okay it was your good friend Chris Finch he used my computer he said he was your best mate and you’d find it hilarious oh no it is that’s that’s never in question I think it’s bloody hilarious you’re missing the but are you going to apologize to Tim tell about families you don’t have to in a way so are you going to apologize to Tim I have in a way are you going to apologize now yes sorry about that you were invol he covered for it so well as well you were involving you covered that’s what I like well I really wouldn’t want to be here when you ball out finching you won’t be it’s not fair nor will you so so it’s not offensive now it’s Chris Finch let’s not dwell on whether it is or isn’t this or let’s stop degrading women please let’s have a laugh with them not at them let’s have a laugh at work with women at us so I trust you’ll be telling Chris Finch he won’t be working with us anymore yeah that’s a good idea I’ll get rid of a good rep cuz he didn’t play the joke brilliant David don’t even start no fine that’s come from the top yeah hi Chris it’s David here yeah bad news mate we’re going to have to let you go we can’t use you anymore now y cuz of the joke no I’ve got a sense of humor but that you know that was offensive towards women and you know to be I can’t tolerate I’m going to have to pass on sponsored by accurist will be 4 21 and 40 seconds pathetic is it at the third stroke the time sponsored by accurist will be 421 and and 50 seconds so has anyone got the right time

  1. Settle in
  • Definition: To become comfortable in a new place or situation.
  • Example: “It took me a few weeks to settle in at my new job.”

2. Teach her the ropes

  • Definition: To show someone how to do a job or activity.
  • Example: “Can you teach her the ropes so she knows how to handle the customers?”

3. Mutually exclusive

  • Definition: Two things that cannot happen at the same time.
  • Example: “Being a good boss and being funny are not mutually exclusive.”

4. Immature

  • Definition: Acting younger than one’s age, often in a silly or irresponsible way.
  • Example: “Stop being so immature and start acting like an adult.”

5. Tosser

  • Definition: A British slang term for a contemptible person.
  • Example: “Don’t listen to him; he’s just a tosser.”

6. Spot on

  • Definition: Exactly right; perfect.
  • Example: “Your impression of him was spot on.”

7. Hooked up

  • Definition: Connected to a system or network.
  • Example: “We are all hooked up to the Internet here.”

8. Degrade

  • Definition: To treat someone with disrespect or to lower in quality.
  • Example: “The joke was degrading to women.”

9. Seedy

  • Definition: Morally degraded, unpleasant, or sordid.
  • Example: “That part of town is quite seedy.”

10. Thin ice

  • Definition: A risky or dangerous situation.
  • Example: “He’s on thin ice after missing so many deadlines.”

11. Guts

  • Definition: Courage or determination.
  • Example: “She had the guts to stand up to her boss.”

12. Boy’s club

  • Definition: An environment where men are dominant and women are excluded.
  • Example: “The office felt like a boy’s club with its lack of female leaders.”

13. Case closed

  • Definition: Used to indicate that a discussion or investigation has been concluded.
  • Example: “We’ve found the culprit, so case closed.”

14. Take advantage of

  • Definition: To exploit someone or something for one’s own benefit.
  • Example: “Don’t take advantage of his kindness.”

15. Good nature

  • Definition: Kindness, friendliness, or a pleasant personality.
  • Example: “He is known for his good nature and helpfulness.”

16. Take the piss

  • Definition: British slang for making fun of someone or something.
  • Example: “They were taking the piss out of his new haircut.”

17. Bawl out

  • Definition: To scold someone loudly and angrily.
  • Example: “She bawled him out for being late again.”

18. Dwell on

  • Definition: To think or talk about something for too long.
  • Example: “Let’s not dwell on the past and focus on the future.”

19. Pathetic

  • Definition: Pitifully inferior or inadequate.
  • Example: “His excuse for being late was pathetic.”