Michael Scott (the branch manager) is performing first aid techniques when the office suddenly breaks in to ‘Staying Alive’ by The Bee Gees.

  1. Assessing: Evaluating or analyzing a situation.
  • Example: The doctor is assessing the patient’s condition before making a diagnosis.

2. Resuscitating: Reviving someone from unconsciousness or apparent death.

  • Example: The lifeguard performed CPR to resuscitate the drowning swimmer.

3. Keep track: To monitor or maintain awareness of something.

  • Example: I use a budgeting app to keep track of my expenses.

4. Come across: To encounter or find unexpectedly.

  • Example: While hiking, we came across a beautiful waterfall in the forest.

5. Quality of life: The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group.

  • Example: Moving to the countryside improved their quality of life, away from the stress of the city.

6. Tune: To adjust something to a desired condition or specification.

  • Example: The mechanic tuned the engine to improve its performance.

7. Parking lot: An area designated for parking vehicles.

  • Example: We couldn’t find a spot in the crowded parking lot of the shopping mall.

8. Harmonizing: Singing or playing musical notes that blend well together.

  • Example: The choir members were harmonizing beautifully during the performance.

9. Ambulance: A vehicle equipped for transporting sick or injured people to medical facilities.

  • Example: The ambulance rushed to the scene of the accident to provide medical assistance.

10. Organ donor: Someone who has agreed to donate their organs for transplantation after death.

  • Example: She signed up as an organ donor to help save lives after she passes away.

11. Harvest: To gather or collect a crop or natural resource.

  • Example: The farmers harvested the wheat from the fields before the rainy season.

12. Wallet: A small, flat pocket-sized case for holding money and cards.

  • Example: He reached into his wallet to pay for the groceries at the checkout counter.

13. Comforting: Providing emotional support or reassurance to someone.

  • Example: She hugged her friend, comforting her after a difficult breakup.

14. Turns out: To be revealed or discovered as a result of investigation or analysis.

  • Example: It turns out the missing keys were in the pocket of his jacket all along.

15. Cut the face off: To remove or detach the facial part from something.

  • Example: The artist had to cut the face off the sculpture to make adjustments to its features.

So assessing the situation. Are they breathing?

No, Rose, they are not breathing.

And they have no arms or legs.

No, that’s not part of it.

Where are they?

You know what, if we come across somebody with no arms or legs

do we bother resuscitating them?

I mean, what kind of quality of life do we have there?

I would wanna live with no legs.

How about no arms?

No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Kevin.

You don’t do anything.

Alright, well let’s get back to it, ’cause you’re losing him.

Okay, too fast. Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of 100 beats per minute.

[sigh] Uhh, okay. That’s hard to keep track.

How many is that per hour?

How’s that gonna help you?

I will divide and then count to it.


Okay, well a good trick is to pump to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees.

Do you know that song?

Yes! Yes, I do. I love that song.

[clears throat]

♫ First I was afraid, I was petrified ♫

No, it’s…

♫ Ah ah ah ah ♫

♫ Stayin’ alive, stayin alive. ♫

– Okay, gotcha.

You were in the parking lot earlier! That’s how I know you!

♫ Ah ah ah ah ♫

♫ Stayin’ alive, Stayin’ alive ♫

[Harmonizing] ♫ Ah-ah-ah-ah ♫

♫ Stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive ♫

♫ Ah, you can tell by the way I use my walk ♫

♫ I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk ♫

♫ Music loud and women warm, been kicked around since I was born ♫

♫ Well, it’s alright, it’s okay,

you can look the other way ♫

♫ Rit dit doo, rit dit doo ♫

[others harmonizing]

Okay, okay!


[Michael muttering lyrics]

♫ Stayin’ alive, Stayin’ alive. ♫

Yeah, okay. You didn’t maintain 100 beats per minute,

and the ambulance didn’t arrive because nobody called 911.

So, you lost ’em.

Okay, he’s dead.

Anyone know what we do next? Anybody?


… I have no idea.

Anyone else?

We bury him.

Wrong. [makes buzzer sound]

Check for an organ donor card. If he has one, we only have minutes to harvest.

He has no wallet, I checked.

He is an organ donor.

He is?


– Give me some ice in a styrofoam bucket!

Here we go.


Angela: Oh my god!

[others groaning]


Kelly: Dwight, what are you —

[Dwight yelling]

We search for the organs. Where’s the heart, the precious heart?

I’m not feeling well. I need to sit down.

[comforting Stanley]

Hey Stanley, are you okay?

[suckering noise]

[Angela shrieks]

Stanley: Oh My God.



[everyone groans]

Can you tell me why you had to cut the face off the dummy?

I didn’t think it was very realistic in the movie.

It turns out… It’s pretty realistic.

We had to pay for it. Cost us 3,500 dollars.

5,300 dollars for a dummy? Wow…

Well, okay. Look.

David, this is why we have training.

We start with the dummy… and we learn from our mistakes…

and now Dwight knows not to cut the face off a real person.

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