Speak aloud while the video is playing and try to explain what is happening. Mention the nouns, try to use the correct verb and see where your gaps are!

We can see Pat and Mat are having dinner.

After they finish their dinner, they sit down in the living room/ they take a seat and digest their meal! (SIT DOWN)

Mat picks up a magazine. The guy on the front cover is working out so it must be a fitness magazine. (PICK UP/ WORK OUT)

Mat throws/ chucks the magazine down and looks at his tummy/ belly/ stomach in shock! (CHUCK: to throw something casually or with less precision.

He then pokes Pat in the tummy and gets him to take a look at the magazine. (TO TAKE A LOOK AT STH: Suggests a brief or casual examination.)

They both go/flick/flip through the pages intensely! (GO/ LOOK/ FLICK/FLIP THROUGH: To quickly browse through pages or items, often with a light touch or a casual manner, without deep examination.

They both jump to their feet in excitement at the idea of getting fit/ getting into shape!

They first of all take down the old painting which showed a lot of food in it and replaced it with a much smaller one with much less food in it! -Perhaps a psychological trick! (TAKE DOWN)

Mat grabs/pulls out/ takes out a tape measure and measures his gut/ stomach/ belly/ tummy!

Pat measures as well, but he reads it wrong. Mat helps him and and flips it over to show the real reading—It turns out that they’re both the same size. (FLIP OVER: To turn something over quickly to view the other side or continue reading. TURNS OUT: to reveal something unexpected or surprising.)

They Pat gets on the scales, and he’s so heavy that the arrow/needle shoots off into the wall!

Mat has come up with an idea. They go into the basement and look around. Luckily, they are able to find another scale that they can use!

Mat marks his weight with his pencil and then attempts to do the same for Pat. But the needle moves suddenly. Pat tried to use an umbrella to make him seem lighter!

Once Pat marks Mat’s weight, he trips and falls over, removing a cover that was on the mirror. When Mat stands up again, they both look at themselves in the mirror in shock/ stunned(FALL OVER)

Next, they both get to work to clean up their basement! – Mat takes down the bike and tests it, while Pat starts getting rid of any old stuff/crap/ rubbish/ trash that’s cluttering up the basement. He chucks/ throws the stuff out (of) the window. (GET RID OF: to remove something completely.)

They then give the place a coat of paint/ they then paint the walls and put up a sign that brands their new attitude! (PUT UP)

Next, they put up a calendar on the wall to keep track of their progress! —they look chuffed/delighted with themselves! (KEEP TRACK OF)

They then get straight to it! They put on some head and wristbands, start the timer, turn on the radio and start working out! (TO GET STRAIGHT TO STH: to address or focus directly on a particular topic or issue without delay or distraction.)

They actually attached they bike to the background so it feels like they’re outside!

Pat looks like he’s struggling a bit! — He nearly falls off the treadmill! (FALL OFF)

Once their cardio is over, they dry their sweat and hit the weights!— Mat does some chest/pec flys, while Pat does some behind-the-neck lat pull downs.

After that, Mat attempts the bench press, which is made up of a stick and two buckets on both ends. The bench broke on him, but he quickly fixed it! (MADE UP OF: composed or consisting of various parts or elements combined together to form a whole.)

Mat’s having an absolute nightmare! One of his buckets came off, rolled over to Pat and knocked him over! (HAVING A NIGHTMARE: things are not going well for someone. COME OFF/ ROLL OVER/ KNOCK OVER)

They then get in some protein shakes and bars!/ They then fuel up with some protein shakes and bars! (TO GET STH IN: to fit or squeeze something into a limited space or time, or to manage to include something in a schedule or plan. FUEL UP: in the context of food means to eat or consume food in order to provide energy for the body)

They do a few last exercises and then have their dinner, which is made up of a small portion of a few veggies! It’s so small that Pat even looks under his plate to see if some of his food was there. And when one of his peas rolls off his plate, he desperately/ frantically scours/ searches the floor for it! He even takes/whips out a magnifying glass! (MADE UP OF/ ROLL OFF/ TAKE OUT/ WHIP OUT)

The next day, they’re back at it again! — We see a little montage of their workout once again. We can see a little bit of progress, even with their odd fail here and there! (TO BE BACK AT IT)

It’s nighttime, and we can see that Pat is looking in the fridge for a little night time snack!

The next day, Mat is waiting for Pat. Pat turns up late but gets straight on the treadmill! (TURN UP: arrive)

They complete their workout, but we can see a recurring theme as Pat wakes up at night again to fry up some eggs! However, this time, Mat also gives in and has himself a little snack! (FRY UP: to fry/ GIVE IN: to surrender/ to stop resisting )

Regardless, they keep turning up to training. (TURN UP: arrive)

After one month of working out, they celebrate by high-fiving each other and cheers with a drink! (WORK OUT)

They hit the scales to check their weight! They’re shocked and saddened/ disappointed to see that they haven’t lost weight!

Pat goes over to the mirror and turns it on a different angle where the reflection is more flattering! Problem solved!

They’re happy with the results and then return to their old ways!

Instructions: Look at the pictures below and try to retell the story out loud to yourself, to your study partner or to your teacher!

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