It takes a lot for 26-year-old Rob to be interested in a girl, and if a spark isn’t there within the first two seconds, he sends them straight to the friend zone. Instagram model Jamie is used to getting attention online, but a real-life Casanova to sweep her off her feet is proving harder to find.

1) What kind of girl is Rob into?

2) How long's Rob been single?

4) What does Rob mean when he says "There's got to be a spark."

5) Fill in the blank!

"Any girl probably wants to be off her feet".

6) Which phrasal verb does Jamie use which means "fulfil someone's expectations, standards, or promises."

7) Who thinks "everything happens for a reason"?

As if this is actually happening right now!

No, I can’t believe it!

It’s not such a blind date, is it?

Good evening!

G’day, how ya going?

Well, yourself?


That’s good. Are you joining someone?

Uh, I am, but I’m not sure who.

What was your name?


Rob, yeah, take a seat at the bar, Rob. If you fancy a drink.

Thank you, thank you.

What’s your type in a girl?

Someone who keeps in shape, yeah, definitely someone who keeps in shape and looks after themselves.

Nice to meet you.

You too. How are you feeling, Rob?

Aw keen for a drink!

I’m probably just after a mate that I can sleep with. I can sleep with my mates I have now, but it probably makes it a little bit weird. I’ve been single for about a year and a half.

Single for about a year and a half? Why’s that? You’re a good-looking fella.

I’m picky, yeah. I don’t have trouble going out and talking to a girl, but the smallest little things turn me off. They could be a really nice girl, but I just hate their laugh, and I’m just like, I can’t put up with that. I struggle to find someone with a bit of connection there.

Ok, so what is that connection for you?

To be honest, I don’t even know what it is. I just know when it’s there and when it’s not.

So how quickly can you tell?

Within the first 2 seconds, the first time I meet them. There’s got to be a spark, it’s got to be something there.

Could Rob find that spark with Instagram model Jamie? She’s on the dating scene, in search of more than just a like.

I get a few little cheeky messages in my DMs. I guess it’s flattery, which is kind of nice, but any girl probably wants to be swept off her feet. So, it would be kind of nice to be swept off my feet, and that hasn’t happened yet. I want someone who will make me shine, who gives me butterflies when I see them.

Hi there.

Hello, Jamie. I’m here for my date.

Jamie, your date is at the bar, waiting for you.

Thank you.

As if this is actually happening right now! I can’t believe it!

It’s not such a blind date, is it? You are kidding me! Out of all the girls here in the country…

Oh, good to actually meet you!

Well, probably anyway.

Wow, I definitely did not picture myself going on a date with a hot girl that I follow on Instagram. What are the chances?

How long have you been waiting?

To meet you?

A fair while!

All your life!

Last 6 months I reckon, so yeah.

I think maybe there was a little Instagram crush on Rob’s behalf. Hopefully, I’ll live up to all his hopes and expectations.

So, you’ve insta-stalked each other?

Yeah, I’ve probably done a bit of stalking, maybe, I don’t know.

Well, at least tonight, you get to know each other a little better than that.

Oh, that’s so funny!

Hello, you’ll never believe who it is!


That hot chick that I have on Instagram, Jamie her name is! Anyway, bro, I better go back.

I’ve probably had her on Instagram for around 6 months, somewhere around that. It’s good viewing if you’ve got a few spare hours on a Sunday. This one, she likes this one a bit more than me. She’s got abs in it, so she’s pretty impressed about that one. I’ve also liked this one. I don’t know why—there’s nothing special about it except it’s just her. She looks good, it’s probably why I liked it—her and her dog, it’s a bit cute. I haven’t given this one a like yet. Beautiful photo.

Are you still going?

I was just reading through our Instagram. Yeah, just a refreshment, I didn’t get very far there.

Did you get to the point where you stopped talking to me?

How did you find me on Instagram then hey?

I don’t know. No, you found me.

No, I didn’t!

Yea ya did! I remember, I don’t add people on Instagram.

I don’t either.

Who knows?

There was something on my story, and you told me that it looked delicious.

Oh really?


I love food.

No, but you then said it was aimed at me.

Oh, did I? That’s smooth.

That’s what I said, I said “smooth.”

I’m really finding that everything happens for a reason. He’s here, so I must be meant to meet him and go on a date with him. Yeah, it’s fate.

I still can’t comprehend it. I can’t.

Yeah, strange but it’s sort of nice.

Sort of nice?

Yeah, just sort of.

  1. As if
  • Definition: Used to express disbelief or doubt about something happening.
  • Example:As if I’d ever do something like that!”

2. Blind date

  • Definition: A date where the two people have never met before.
  • Example: “I was nervous about the blind date, but it turned out to be fun.”

3. Good-looking fella

  • Definition: An informal way to compliment someone on their appearance, especially a man.
  • Example: “He’s a good-looking fella, isn’t he?”

4. Keep in shape

  • Definition: To maintain physical fitness.
  • Example: “I try to keep in shape by going to the gym three times a week.”

5. Look after

  • Definition: To take care of someone or something.
  • Example: “She looks after her younger brother while their parents are at work.”

6. Turn off

  • Definition: To cause someone to lose interest or feel repelled.
  • Example: “His rude behaviour really turned me off during our date.”

7. Put up with

  • Definition: To tolerate or endure something unpleasant.
  • Example: “I can’t put up with his constant complaining anymore.”

8. Go out

  • Definition: To leave home to socialise or for leisure activities, often dating.
  • Example: “We’re going out tonight to celebrate my birthday.”

9. Find out

  • Definition: To discover or learn something new.
  • Example: “I just found out that she’s moving to a new city next month.”

10. Live up to

  • Definition: To meet or fulfil expectations or standards.
  • Example: “The movie didn’t live up to all the hype it received.”

11. Get to know

  • Definition: To become familiar with someone or something.
  • Example: “I’d like to get to know you better over dinner.”

12. Swept off her feet

  • Definition: To be completely and suddenly charmed or captivated by someone.
  • Example: “He swept her off her feet with his romantic gestures.”

13. Crush

  • Definition: A strong but temporary feeling of love or infatuation.
  • Example: “I had a crush on my classmate when I was in high school.”

14. For a fair while

  • Definition: A relatively long period of time.
  • Example: “I’ve been waiting for a fair while, but it’s worth it.”

15. What are the chances?

  • Definition: An expression of surprise at the improbability of something happening.
  • Example: “I bumped into an old friend in New York—what are the chances?

16. You’re kidding me

  • Definition: An expression used to show disbelief or surprise.
  • Example:You’re kidding me! I can’t believe you won the lottery!”

17. Stalk (Instagram stalked)

  • Definition: To obsessively check someone’s online profiles or posts.
  • Example: “I Instagram-stalked my crush to see what they’ve been up to.”

18. Sort of

  • Definition: Used to indicate that something is not exactly one thing or another, or to soften a statement.
  • Example: “I sort of like this restaurant, but it’s not my favourite.”

19. Go back

  • Definition: To return to a previous place or activity.
  • Example: “I need to go back to the office to finish some work.”

20. Comprehend

  • Definition: To understand something fully.
  • Example: “I can’t comprehend how he solved that puzzle so quickly.”
  1. What do you think of dating these days?
  2. Is dating harder or easier than it was in the past?
  3. Do/Did you have ‘icks’ or ‘red flags’ for who you were dating?
  4. What are the best and worst types of date ideas?
  5. How does dating differ in different countries?
  6. What’s important for you in a relationship?
  7. How do you think dating will change in the future?

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