In this clip, it’s J.D’s last day after many years working at Sacred Heart Hospital. He gets Dr. Cox, his mentor, a fun present to remember him!

Time’s up
- Rants:
- Definition: Outbursts of anger or criticism expressed forcefully.
- Example: “He ranted for ages about the referee!”
2. Shrug off:
- Definition: To dismiss or ignore something casually.
- Example: “He messed up his presentation but just shrugged it off and nailed the questions!”
3. Lean against:
- Definition: To rest against something for support.
- Example: “Stop learning against that gate! You’ll bend it!.”
4. Put out there:
- Definition: To express or communicate something.
- Example: “I fancy you.. I just thought I’d put that out there and see how you feel.”
5. Hybrid:
- Definition: Something that is a combination of two different elements.
- Example: “I’m a bit of a hybrid.. I can be super extroverted and introverted!”
6. Sentiment:
- Definition: A feeling or emotion conveyed by words or actions.
- Example: “The public sentiment about this year’s election is quite negative.”
To hell with doing my goodbyes too early.. I want my moment with Dr Cox and I want it now.
Dr Cox, since this is my last day I got you a little something.. you know.. as a thank you, because in my mind, you’re the one who made me the man I am today.
You can’t blame me for that
No that’s too mean
It’s a book of all your rants. I always wrote them down.
Check it out! Leather bound. I did the calligraphy. The number next to each passage is a rating system from one to five depending on how much that particular rant hurt me emotionally: One being something I could easily shrug off and five being something that still makes me want to cut myself.
Oh look, the only way you could be less productive right now is if you were in fact the wall on which you’re leaning against.
That one used to be a five but now it’s a four. I still well up when I think about it but now I can fall asleep after.
Who wants to see what Jordan does when she’s bored?
Hey newbie, what if say I’m wanting to locate something in here about just how little I care about any given moment that you and I have spent together?
Good question! You just go to the glossery and you see how little I care, page 19- Boom! Page turn.. things I care as little about as JD’s last day of residency.
I remember this one
Oh! Every hybrid car, every talk show host, everything on the planet, everything in the solar system and everything, everything, everything, everything, everything that exists past, present and future in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions.. and of course, Hugh Jackman..
Oh, that was nice! I like that we shared that.
Me too, because it’s the exact sentiment that I wanted to put out there for you on your last day of work here.
Thank you for this lovely present okay!
Um you’re welcome..