Speak aloud while the video is playing and try to explain what is happening. Mention the nouns, try to use the correct verb and see where your gaps are!
We see the roadrunner running along the road and the coyote is hiding behind a cactus.
He puts/pours some bird seed on the road to try and lure/ bait the roadrunner. (LURE/ BAIT: to attract or entice into a trap)
He tries to climb up his ladder so he can push/roll the rock off the cliff and crush/ kill/ flatten the roadrunner, but the roadrunner is too fast! -He gobbles up the bird seed in a flash! (GOBBLE UP: To eat quickly and possibly greedily. IN A FLASH: Very quickly)
The coyote tries to do it faster this time. But each time, he tries, the roadrunner is too quick! The rock actually ends up landing on him! (END UP: In the end)

While under the rock, the coyote comes up with a new plan! (COME UP WITH: invent or create an idea or plan)
He creates a cloning machine! He rips/tears off a piece of his hair and puts it into the machine. (RIP/ TEAR OFF: To remove something quickly and forcefully.)
The machine then produces his clone. He shakes hands with him and then takes him to explain his devious/cunning plan! (DEVIOUS/ CUNNING: Clever and skillful in achieving goals, often by deceit)
The coyote pours out the bird seed like last time and sure enough, the roadrunner comes. He then signals/ gives the thumbs up to his clone to push/roll the rock off the cliff. (GIVE THE THUMBS UP: To show approval or agreement)

By the time he pushed the rock, the roadrunner had eaten up all the seed, so the coyote poured out some more, and ironically gets crushed by the rock.
The coyote goes back to the cloning machine and creates 4 more new clones!- He creates a master plan and shows his clones their roles.
They all set up different traps.
The coyote sees the roadrunner coming in the distance and signals to the others with a whistle.
The roadrunner slips on the grease that was poured out on the road; gets punched by the mechanical boxing glove, flung by the slingshot, catapulted/ launched by the catapult; hit by the racket; and caught/lands in the coyote’s baseball glove!
The coyote is grabbing the roadrunner by the neck and about to eat him, but one of his clones taps him on the shoulder and demands that he gets some of the roadrunner. Another clone demands the same, and the others as well!
Suddenly, a fight breaks out. They forget all about the roadrunner and the rock ends up crushing all 6 of the coyotes!

Instructions: Look at the pictures below and try to retell the story out loud to yourself, to your study partner or to your teacher! How many new words can you remember?!